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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Explicit Wordpress Theme

Explicit Wordpress Theme | Premium Wordpress Themes | Wordpress Themes - Blogger TemplatesWordPress Themes Information:Template Type : Premium WP ThemesIt’s nice WordPress Theme for portfolio, business blog that takes advantage with all the amazing new wordpress 3.0 features.Theme Features : * All Fundamental Page Templates (main page, full-width page, search results, 404, contact, archives, author pages, post pages) * 6 Additional Page Templates (blog, 3 portfolios, left sidebar page, right sidebar page) * 3 Portfolio Layouts with 7...
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Creation Wordpress Theme

Creation Wordpress Theme | Premium Wordpress Themes | Wordpress Themes - Blogger TemplatesCreation is a simple, clean and minimalist business wordpress theme suitable for company, business, portfolio, photography and corporate sites. Creation WordPress Theme takes advantage with all the amazing new WordPress 3.0 features.Theme Features : * Valid HTML5 * 2 Styles Layout * WordPress 3.0 * New Custom Post Type for Slider * New Custom Post Type for Portfolio * New Menu Manager * Auto Image Resizing with New Post Thumbnail *...
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Are you using cheap web hosting?

I think it's normally condition if people looking for the cheaper when to buy or rent something. That's all rights, but you should still thinking about a quality, service and the other things. Like when you want to choose your web hosting. Many cheap hosting that you can choose for your web. But, the most important thing before you choose it is their performance. You must read about them, like their features, technical and customer service, Reliability & Uptime, and many else. I have use the cheap web hosting for my Wordpress themes gallery...
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Friday, May 28, 2010

Tips to Choose Domain Name

Domain name is one of important thing when you just want to sign up and make a new blog. Whatever your blogging platform, It's still important thing. Domain name have a lot of affect for your blog. One big effect from your domain name is SEO. Domain name with contain your keyword will help you to gain your blog SERP.Domain name also imagine your brand. I said that your brain is your identity, your reputation, your name, your business. The best way to establish your brand online is with a solid and memorable domain name. But how to find a best...
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