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Friday, May 28, 2010

Tips to Choose Domain Name

Domain name is one of important thing when you just want to sign up and make a new blog. Whatever your blogging platform, It's still important thing. Domain name have a lot of affect for your blog. One big effect from your domain name is SEO. Domain name with contain your keyword will help you to gain your blog SERP.

Domain name also imagine your brand. I said that your brain is your identity, your reputation, your name, your business. The best way to establish your brand online is with a solid and memorable domain name. But how to find a best and right domain name? The key is to think long and hard before you make your decision, because just when you think all of the catchy domain names have been taken, you may find a "domain in the rough!".

Here are some tips how to choose a successful domain name for your blog:
  1. Take around and let start brainstorming for relevant to your domain words.
  2. Make a list as many words as you can think of related to your preferred domain name and make list as many words as you can think of that are related to the content of your website too.

  3. Make different combination
  4. Try to use a simple combination for your domain name from the listed name that are short, memorable, not easily confused, hard to misspell, related to the core of the business, with appropriate sounding to the core of your business.

  5. Try to add your keywords in your domain name

  6. If you do business online or e-Commerce , register your domain with as many of the extensions as available!

  7. If your preferred choice is not available, do not discourage and try the next combination!
And don't forget about your webhosting performance. It's also success key for your website.
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Eric on May 29, 2010 at 9:29 PM said...

wakh job-nya banyak euy... blogwalking nich menyapa kawan lama

Tim Detikjam on May 31, 2010 at 4:31 PM said...


chugy on June 3, 2010 at 2:37 PM said...

Tanks for sharing....and tips...!!!
good bloga nd good post

Dengar Lagu on June 3, 2010 at 10:20 PM said...

Tq broo tipsnya

MinnieRunner on June 24, 2010 at 12:35 PM said...

This one's very useful for those whose blogs were inclined at earning money online. But for me whose main purpose is merely personal, I guess a domain name that would best describe me will do. :)

Apartment Software on June 29, 2010 at 7:19 AM said...

Well thanks for those tips, Now I am going to buy my domain now...

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